The Excuse You Use Now Becomes the Reason You Fail Later

If you are aiming to develop the mindset of a warrior you must keep this in mind because I am certain you have fallen prey to it many times in your life already and it is extremely likely that you haven’t even noticed it:

The excuse for why you haven’t done what you need to do becomes the reason why you fail. It might be pretty instant or it might take some time but, either way, there will come a time where you fail and the reason for why you failed will be the exact excuse for why you didn’t do what you knew you had to do.

This is easily explained through some examples:

  1. You have been told that you cardio is not up to scratch by your coach and that you need to do a road run every day to help improve it, but the weather has been terrible and so you decide it is better not to leave the house and to do a bit of stretching and technical work indoors instead. By the time your next fight comes around you will have an underdeveloped cardio system and you will lose your breath, slow down, and lose the fight in a painful and irritating way. The reason for the loss is… The weather was too bad to go outside.
  2. You know that you are fluent and eloquent enough when it comes to social situations and you know that being able to speak with a greater range of vocabulary would serve you well when it comes to explaining your ideas and impressing people. You found the “Speech Improvement” course that looks great to you but you have to pay to join it and it is a bit too much for you to justify paying for it right now. Two months down the line you get a job interview at a company that you’d love to work at; you don’t speak particularly well, you don’t get the job, you failed that interview. The reason for that loss is… The price of the course was too much for you to feel comfortable paying for it.

This isn’t about judging the excuses as poor or to say that every reason for not doing something is unjustified – it is just stating a fact about our reality. The universe doesn’t think in terms of “good and bad” it just creates causes and effects. If the reason that you couldn’t train is honest, reasonable, sensible, intelligent, etc. It will still be the reason why you ended up losing the fight.

It all depends on what you want to be. If (like me) you will accept nothing but being the best at everything you ever do and never failing or losing – literally being the ultimate human being – you will have to do the work that you know you have to do regardless of the reasons to not do it. That is not an easy path, but it is the path that leads to performing at your absolute peak, always!

If you are okay having some wins and some losses, fitting into the crowd and just jogging by in life then there should be no issue with coming up with an excuse here and there – just be ready for and aware of this fact of life because the loss/failure is coming. That being said, if you are trying to develop and nurture the Warrior Mindset then you should not be “okay having some wins and some losses”, you should be aiming to become an efficient, well oiled, powerful winning machine.

Again, I want to make it clear that this is not a judgement about whether an excuse is real, or sensible, or justified (I am happy to pass my judgement of every and any excuse on an independent basis) it is literally a fact of life that 99.9% of people will ignore. This is why that same 99.9% of people will fail, not recognise how, and repeat for their entire lives.

It is extremely likely you are in that 99.9% of people. If you can highlight to yourself 3 times where you have come up with an excuse that led to you not doing the work you were meant to do you will be able to take your first step out of this loser cycle. If you can’t sit there and manage to do this then just accept you are part of the failure majority and stop torturing yourself with the idea that you could amount to becoming someone valuable someday.

Keep doing the work,

Master Luke Robinson.

Quitters and Losers

To have a Warrior Mindset you must harden you mind so much that it is nothing, yes must mean yes and no must mean no – you must know that your convictions are true, no matter what the pressure level is for you to go back on them. No amount of circumstances will change your conviction. This is why it is the most important thing to train yourself to never give up.

We all understand that training will be difficult and painful; you’ll sweat, get hurt, possibly injured, feel dizzy, get hot, experience danger, have difficulty breathing, etc. And your only option should be to continue to chug away through it. It must come to a time, as a champion, that you decide never to quit on what you’re doing as the moment you decide to quit is the moment you accept defeat. No matter the level of discomfort or pain – this is literally the foundation of being a warrior.

I was brought up on the phrase “A winner never quits and a quitter never wins” and it has become engraved into the walls of my mind – the one thing you will never do if you quit is “win”.

I want to make it clear, there is nothing wrong with losing and losers – there must be many many losers for every one winner and the more serious and substantial the competition gets, the more losers there will be per winner. Losing is not wrong, therefore being a loser is not wrong but choosing to quit makes losing a certainty and participating without even trying to win is the biggest and worst mistake anyone can make (for themselves).

It is nice that you have the choice to slow down when it comes to your training if it is getting difficult or intense. Having the option to sit out for a minute or two is a luxury that nobody would say is negative. But, when developing the Warrior Mindset it is imperative that you understand you do not, and will not, have the option to ease up in the real world or in the ring in a competitive fight – the moment you show that you want to give up (or even slow down) your opponent will double down and attack twice as hard and twice as often (and so they should).

You will always be allowed to quit when it comes to training, of course you’ll be discouraged but the choice will always be there. It is up to you to find that part of your mind that refuses to lose and to follow it. It is up to you to silence the voice in your head that is saying “It’s too much”. If you don’t manage to quieten that voice and be guided by the other one, you are literally conditioning yourself to become a loser, rewarding the act of giving up, supporting the voice of weakness and limitation.

We all know, by now, that how you do one thing is how you do everything. This is something serious to think about when it comes to quitting: are you willing to become a loser, to support and reward the voice of weakness inside your head, to stifle and quieten the warrior within who wants you to win… Just so you can feel better after that difficult exercise. Are you willing to support behaviour that will make it harder to win: in business, in the gym, in relationships, physically, mentally, as an athlete, as a son, with your diet, etc.

At the moment you want to quit you are being presented the best opportunity by God: He is saying to you “This is your chance to become stronger and to step into a new world where everything is greater and better. Will you stop now?”

Hopefully it is clear how serious it is to decide to quit because something is difficult or uncomfortable by now. The world is literally full of quitters, and that’s fine, but are you willing to be one of them?

Get uncomfortable and push through,

Master Luke Robinson

Aim at Self-Mastery or Exist as an NPC

As a person looking to instil the Warrior Mindset into their own psyche, the ultimate goal is self mastery; being in complete control of your mind and body, understanding yourself on the deepest level, and being able to effectively create and express yourself as and when you please – to attain this goal you must start by aiming at mastery of something, whatever it is you decide to do.

If you don’t hold tight onto the aim of mastery of whatever it is your are focussing on then your aim will eventually an inevitably fall into that of ‘maintenance’. Maintenance is literally a synonym for no change, it means a lack of movement. A more accurate way to describe maintenance, in regards to it being your goal, is: stagnation. You are choosing stagnation as your ultimate goal, if not mastery.

Having maintenance as your goal is tantamount to a long and slow process of failure. Only those with extremely low expectations and standards for themselves will be able to travel down this path for any time at all.

This is one of the big problems that I see today; in schools, in the gym culture, etc. Nobody recognises that they have a choice between two things as a goal for themselves: Mastery (continuous growth and development within the parameters of the activity/skill/discipline they have chosen ultimately leading towards self mastery) or maintenance (the continued practice of an activity/skill/discipline without any aim to improve, develop, or grow within that skillset ultimately leading to you waking up the same same tomorrow as you are today, every single day).

The words ‘master’ and ‘mastery’ are never heard in a school classroom, no child is told that the aim is self mastery, in fact quite the opposite is instilled in their minds, collapsing one’s understanding and control of oneself and handing it freely over the the ‘hive-mind’ of the school system.

Similarly, at the gym, you will never find a person who has decided to go to the gym who is willing or able to use the words self-mastery when they are talking about their goals. To lose weight or to gain muscle are great goals, but following on further along these two paths will logically take somebody towards self-mastery, however people do not do this. Once their goal is to be achieved the maintenance of that state (and stagnation of themselves) is completely implied.

Somewhere around zero percent of people walk around with an aim of self mastery nowadays. This hasn’t always been the case, there are many examples throughout history of times where many people have shared the goal of becoming masters of themselves e.g. the samurai, the knights of the round table, shaolin monks, the European renaissance, etc.

As the human world, and its standards, degenerate it may feel like a noble goal to maintain where/what we are. On the contrary, it is this behaviour that leads to the degeneration of the things around us.

The long and the short of it is that you have two options when it comes to your long term goals:

1. Aim at self mastery, which will lead to continuous improvement and an ever increasing and deepening understanding of, and control over, yourself and the world around you.

2. Be an NPC and contribute towards the continued collapse of the human world.

It is that simple.

I am hoping that the choice is an obvious one, if it isn’t then developing the Warrior Mindset is certainly not for you.

The first step towards self mastery is finding somebody who you believe knows who they are and what they do and is willing to share that with you. Find somebody who is willing to guide you and follow their advice – build the habits and thought patterns of a fully self-mastered person as soon as you can in your journey. Once the mindset has been solidified, it becomes nothing but a matter of time.

You can, and should, master yourself and the world around you.

Master Luke Robinson

The Dangers of Misunderstanding Aggression

In order to truly understand the Warrior Mindset you must contend with the force of aggression – In this brief essay I will be covering the topic of aggression:

Google defines aggression as: feelings of anger or antipathy resulting in hostile or violent behaviour; readiness to attack or confront. /forcefulness.

Nowadays aggression is the least understood and most demonised natural force/emotion e.g. If a child is feeling happy that is encouraged and emulated. If a child is feeling sad that will be explored in an attempt to be better understood. Whereas if a child is feeling aggressive that will be squelched, discouraged, and even punished. This leads to a huge lack of understanding of what aggression is and how it can be used/channelled – this is extremely dangerous on a both personal level and on the macro level…

A seed, in order just to germinate, must produce somewhere around fifteen times the atmospheric pressure it is situated in. It must take nutrients from it’s surrounding area as well as destroy (literally break through) the earth it is surrounded by. This force can be accurately and correctly described as aggressive, this force creates and supports the propagation of life. Even the distribution of seeds from a tree involve an aggressive force as the seed is torn from the tree that is feeding it nutrients by the wind and scattered to a new location, leaving it isolated. This is a clear example of how aggressive force is used by nature to sustain life.

Aggression is the most powerful force a human can tune into and, therefore, should be explored, studied, and understood. Learning to harness and channel this force into producing ‘good’ and ‘positive’ outcomes is essential for any human who wants to achieve more than mundanity. Knowing what ‘good’ is requires a serious, deep, and thorough understanding of your own moral code which will certainly take decades of focussed thought. For the person who is not willing or able to spend decades of focussed thought to truly understand the concept of ‘good vs bad’ it is essential that they resource somebody who they can trust (that they believe has done the aforementioned leg work) to guide them along the path of goodness.

Without the ability to channel the aggressive force that is present in all things humans become extremely dangerous – inability to control their own aggression humans will act out in the most heinous ways imaginable, as if being possessed by the god of war. A great, yet horrific, example of this is school shootings; the men who carry out mass murder of innocent young children are always men who have failed to embrace their own personal aggression. Weak bodied and soft minded men who have been hidden away in their safe spaces (usually parents basements) become victims of the ‘god of war’ – men who have never had a fight, never had to take on an enemy, and likely never felt the repercussions of their actions. You will never have seen a news report of a robust, stoic, and weathered man creating such unnecessary chaos and destruction.

Mass murder of innocent young humans is an all too real example of: not accepting the existence of aggression in us all, the lack of willingness to explore and understand that force, and the lack of ability to channel that force into something constructive in our world.

Aggression, as mentioned previously, is the most powerful and purposeful force that nature can produce. It has the ability create and sustain and cultivate life as well as the power to induce extreme destruction, death, and horror.

You do not get the option of existing separately from this force, you only have the choice of how to express it. Regular aggressive exercise as well as fighting, in a fair combat situation, will help to develop a personal understanding of this most potent of forces – it is your one of your duties as a good human to engage in these types of activities. Pay daily homage to the god of war or become victim to his wrath.

Grow, harness, and channel you aggression. Use your aggression to generate good outcomes in the world. Seek out and follow the guidance of people who understand this concept.

Be aggressive, be good, and be great!

Master Luke Robinson

Traitors and Treachery

If you are to harness the Warrior Mindset the number one thing you must avoid is having anything to do with traitors. For yourself; you must always make sure to be true to your word, be loyal to your team and to never give up. For others; you must be extremely wary of anybody who shows the signs of being a traitor – lie about what they will do, don’t pull their weight for the team, spend time building other teams, undermine the goals of the team.

Since the dawn of humanity, this has been the number one reason for teams losing, and good men dying. Wars have been lost and heroes have been slain because or the treachery of a traitor many times throughout history – It is how Jesus died, Julius Caesar, as well as Leonidas I.

The most severe of punishments, throughout human history in every kingdom, have been saved for the traitors and the back stabbers – there is no worse crime than high treason which would likely be met with: humiliation, torture, death and being used as an example to the masses (head on a pike). And quite rightly!

Bare in mind that most traitors don’t know that they are even traitors, most of the behaviours are unconscious and unquestioned – you have to be diligent with yourself to even be aware enough to evaluate your own behaviour. Most traitors would genuinely answer “I would never do a thing like that” if they are asked “When are you going to quit?”.

The antidote to this being a reality of many humans is to create an environment that only supports loyalty, commitment and truth. If a team exists within these parameters then that team can not, and will not, be broken down or torn apart. This requires, proverbially, regularly checking for snakes throughout the garden and eliminating one as soon as it is found while finding where it came from and patching up the hole. A valuable and successful team will have zero place for any traitor behaviours and once one has been found they will be excluded with no possibility of return in the future (I, personally, have got rid of double digits of people who tended towards these kind of behaviours within the last year or two. I take this so seriously that if somebody, now, decides that they want to quit their training at the academy they will NOT be allowed to sign back up at any point in the future, our team is so strong now that I will do anything to keep the ‘quitter’ energy far away.)

To make sure that you remain part of the team you want to be part of you must display the fact that you are loyal, honest and committed regularly as; mistakenly getting rid of a good man is safer than mistakenly keeping a snake within the team. Show that you value the team and behave as if the team, and its goals, come first.

When a team has been built to function like this, with zero chance of treachery (everyone pulling their own weight (and more), everyone doing what they are required to do, everyone putting the team before themselves) there will be nothing that can stop that team from achieving anything it sets its focus on.

Please take this as a two-fold warning:

  1. If you are part of a great team that holds its members accountable to the highest standards of behaviour then you must keep diligent not to fall behind and not to be tempted into putting your wants/needs first – this is a sure-fire way for you to be exiled with no prospect of return.
  2. If you are part of a team or friends group that regularly engages in: backstabbing or bitching about each other, people making and breaking plans, playing on each others emotions to manipulate behaviours, or standards of how each other should act are not held to a high standard – leave that group as soon as you can and cut all ties forever. Either that, or it will be a matter of time until you reap the ‘rewards’ of being part of that broken team.

Long story short – for anyone on my team: You are expected to perform at the highest standard that humanity has to offer every single second of every single day, I should be able to leave the most valuable thing in your hands without fear of damage or theft, you are to weed out any possible snakes (in the team and in your own mind), the aims of the team come before those of yourself, you carry your own weight and more, you don’t quit whether things become difficult or not, and most importantly you are always working towards bettering yourself and the people around you.

If you are an honest, loyal, and hard working person – I am happy to allow you into the empire i am building.

Keep diligent,

Master Luke Robinson

Your Value as a Human is Zero

The Warrior Mindset.

With regards to humans existing in a competitive space we are all born completely valueless. We are born knowing no information, having no physical skills or abilities, having made no connections/created no team, and having done zero good for anyone.

I understand that new born children have an intrinsic value to those close to them, but as every child has this same value in the same amount from the very beginning, this can be excluded when speaking in regards to a competitive viewpoint of the world.

The problem with intrinsic value is that people believe that it counts for something, people believe that having “intrinsic value” means that others have to consider their points of view but the fact is that it doesn’t make a blind bit of difference to any metric as it is something that every single person has.

The long and short of it is: your “intrinsic value” as a human literally means nothing in the real world.

So, if we have all started from absolute zero value (like stated in the first paragraph) then it is 100% about what you have done since that day – your value comes completely from what you have managed to accrue over the time you have been here on our planet: what have you worked at? what have you over come? what have you built? what have you strived for?

These are 4 questions you should always be asking yourself every day to be holding yourself accountable.

For 99% of people they are hard questions to ask, as the truthful answer is “nothing” and that makes it obvious that their value is still pretty close to zero.

This post is not to try to help motivate anyone at all, it is all about facing up to the truth – I am personally experienced and wise enough to know that you won’t be able to be proud of yourself until you have real, serious answers for those questions and if you don’t you had better get going with some difficult things right now if you ever want to be able to add to your value as a human.

There is nothing wrong with being a valueless human, there need to be people who have little to no value as much as there needs to be humans with extremely high value that is the nature of everything. For every winner there needs to be multiple losers, this is how reality works. Being valueless or being a loser is something that I wouldn’t ever allow myself to be, I don’t understand how a human could look themselves in the mirror and consider themselves a loser without a feeling burning desire to get out of the house to achieve something – Honestly having no real answers to the 4 previous questions should be enough of a sign to trigger you into action.

But, if you actually don’t feel that drive and that determination to grow and build your own value then that’s something you will have to be able to accept: you literally have zero value. Your thoughts and opinions don’t matter, they don’t help anyone, they aren’t formed properly, they aren’t based on wisdom and experience, they aren’t positive and constructive – they are negative and destructive, and they won’t be taken into account (or even noticed) by the people around you. Just make sure you know your place.

If you want to be a person of value – If you want to add value to the lives of the people around you, if you want to inspire the people you meet, if you want people to listen to your words and to value your opinions then you had better get started with: worked at something, overcoming something, building something, and striving for for something.

Importance, significance, influence, status, etc. only come from the value you can provide others. If you are valueless then you will never experience how it feels to be any of these things.

Are you as valueless as the day you were born? What are you currently doing to add value to yourself? Does your value come from things that every other human has?

Master Luke Robinson

You Deserve Everything You Have – Good or Bad

In order to develop the Warrior Mindset something you must come to grips with is: You deserve everything that you have in your life. Everything that you can name that makes up your life is of your own making – all of the good and all of the bad.

If you have had a bad relationship then it was your fault and you need to understand that.

If you are not as fit and healthy as you could be then that is completely of your own doing.

If you have not managed to receive, what you believe to be, enough recognition by society for what you have done (whether that be in rewards, accolades, status or money) that has come from nothing but you.

If you wish to be somewhere else in your life or if you wish to have something that you don’t currently have you mustn’t trick yourself into believing that it is the universe that is wrong – the universe can’t be wrong… It is what it is, and that can’t be mistaken.

The harsh reality of the situation is that you are wrong – in one or more ways!

Without getting to the point where you have made this realisation you will be nothing but a feather in the wind. You’ll be blown where ever the wind wants to blow you with no chance of making a choosing where you’ll end up – the definition of a victim.

Until now you have been a victim – a victim of many things: genetics, parents, school, society, an ex, friends, your financial situation, and the list can go on forever. But, starting now, you have decided that you are no longer a victim and everything you have is exactly what you deserve. You have decided that you are now in control and you will now start to create the life you desire.

from here – you have two options:

  1. Give up on wanting anything more from life, give up on your hopes and dreams. No extra income, no new girlfriend/boyfriend, no new friends or social group, no trophies or medals, no higher level of intelligence, etc. You completely accept that you are nothing but that leaf in the wind and you, therefore, have no say in your own life and any ideas/opinions you have are unnecessary and irrelevant. That way you will have an accurate model of your standing in the universe.
  2. Change yourself in a way that will start to change the world around you. Build yourself to be a person of worth – there are infinite places for you to start: study, exercise, meditate, socialise, start saying “no”, save, invest, change your diet, etc. If you continue to hold onto the desire for anything yet are not willing to work to bring it into existence you are lazy, arrogant, deluded, and a negative force to all around you.

This is called complete personal responsibility and it is exactly what you need if you are to fulfill your potential.

Start now, by writing an honest list of the things that you want (and be extremely honest, don’t worry if some of the things seem shallow, large, small, silly). Write the list. If you don’t write the list after you have read this then you must face the fact that you will not be getting what you want from the universe.

I recommend writing the damn list and then getting to work to bring the first thing into existence.

Get going with it,

Master Luke Robinson

People want you to Lose!

If you are creating a Warrior Mindset then is is crucial that you always remember that there are people in the world that want you to lose. The big wide world is an open competition (a free for all). In any competition for someone to win, there must be many that lose – this doesn’t mean that they are intrinsically bad, it just means that they have (by engaging in the world) entered into fair competition with you and are aiming to beat you. There are, of course, those who are intrinsically bad also.

Whether it is in the business world, the world of sports, the sexual marketplace, on social media, or in any other realm. It is an undeniable fact that there are people out there who want you to lose.

A Warrior must regularly make sure that he faces up to the truths of reality, whether they are easy to swallow or not. Without a foundation of truth you will never be able to improve yourself.

And the truth is… You did lose. In many things to many people: the genetic lottery, how you were raised, academics, your work ethic, physical and/or mental health, intelligence, the wealth you were born into, the wealth you have created, and the list goes on indefinitely. There are people all over the place that win on any of these metrics over you. That being said, there are people who lose in each of those metrics to you also – you exist someway from the bottom and some way from the top (likely far closer to the bottom than the top).

The massive majority of people above you do not want to see you rise through the ranks as it will lead to you taking their spot (these people are often unbothered by you until you start to encroach on their position). The massive majority of people below you in the ranks will be waiting, and wishing, for you to fail as that is equivalent to them rising in status and rank (in their small minds) – a kind of perverted ‘win’ for them. You will feel the energy from these people (the sad/lower/loser/broken/perverted folk) far more than those who currently sit above you on the ladder.

This is why it seems that so many humans are out to witness the failure of others (specifically you), no matter where they sit in the different competence hierarchies.

The reason why it is important to remember this, if you are seriously training yourself to have the reinforced mind of a warrior, is two-fold:

  1. You must always keep your guard up when in competition, and as we discussed; we are always in competition in every way with everyone. Never drop your guard.
  2. There is always something for you to do, something that you can be working on to help you claw your way up the ladder. Whether it be, studying, listening to something educational, learning new words, becoming part of a team, strength training, cardiovascular work, learning to fight, creating content, reading, writing, eating healthily, meditating, instilling discipline into your life, etc.

There is infinite space for you to grow into and there are infinite ways you can fill your time in order to facilitate that growth. Each step you take, takes you a step a head of the rest. Each step you didn’t take is a step backwards.

Holding onto the understanding that there are many people who want you to lose (some of whom have never even met, some of whom are very close to you) in the back of your mind will give you an edge, it will force you to keep your sword sharp, your eyes peeled, and you guard up. You will maintain the understanding that every second is vital and an opportunity to develop and grow.

The desire for others to lose is evidentially self destructive, so keep aiming to win lots of little personal wins – as long as you are focussing on that you will be too busy winning to slip into this toxic and broken mindset.

If you manage to keep in mind the truth that is the title of this article you will always remain mindful of the importance of using your time as wisely and productively as possible. From there… It’s just a matter of time. Time will pass. If you have been slowly creeping ahead, hour by hour/day by day, in just one month you will see the start to see your progress. Maintain that for a year and you will be ahead by leaps and bounds. After a decade or two you will be living in a realm that was originally unimaginable to you, you will be above and beyond what you can even comprehend now.

Keep it up and keep your mindset right,

Master Luke Robinson

Why getting Smart is getting Strong

Some thoughts on how the process of learning helps build strength, both mentally and physically.

You read a book and your learn something new:

The more you learn, the more likely you are to come across some information/ideas that conflict with and challenge what you believe or the view of the world you have already built (that is pretty much what learning actually is, I guess). Challenging your beliefs with the new information you’ve come across leads towards you refining, developing and restructuring them.

You challenge your old views of the world:

As you put your beliefs through more and more challenges, you will be left with the ones that have stood up to each challenge and adapted (maybe even scrapped) the ones that fall short. As your remaining beliefs adapt and refine they become a much more accurate map of your reality – life becomes more clear. From this you can start to understand what you really want and what things really mean to you. You will know yourself better and better.

You now start acting with much more conviction:

The more you get to know yourself, the greater the amount of conviction you will have in what you think, say and do.

Our beliefs and our ideas are the driving forces in our lives, we will do things that we don’t actually want to do (very regularly sometimes) due to our beliefs and our ideas of the world e.g. we believe it is good to be strong so, we will commit to going to the gym once or twice a week even if it something that we don’t really enjoy doing (depending on how much conviction you have behind believing that being strong is good of course).


After; seeking out and learning new information you can challenge the structures we’ve built in our minds about how the world works. Refining our beliefs and ideas based on these challenges will grow our conviction leading towards a more definite and forceful existence in the world and a more coherent path for us to be on.

What ever direction your life takes, as long as you are engaging in this continual growth process, you’ll be better prepared for the world, you’ll be able to stand firmer and push back harder (if necessary).

Henceforth; the more I learn, the stronger I become.


Master Luke Robinson

How to Apply Martial Arts Moves

applying turning kick

Martial artists are, obviously, more likely to be able to defend themselves in a conflict. But, what is the difference between somebody who is good at martial arts and somebody who can defend themselves?

To be able to defend yourself you have to be able apply what you have learned in your martial arts training. It is as simple as that. If you can’t use it (the martial arts techniques) then you’re gana lose it (the fight).

Martial arts teaches formalised techniques which are trained using strict methods. This is a tried and tested way to instill the skills needed to be a good fighter.

Strict tIMG_8987echnique is a great thing but adapting and changing certain techniques is something that has to be worked on in order to be able to use any martial arts techniques in a ‘real world’ situation e.g. you may end up closer/further than expect, in a narrow space, more than one opponent, with a larger/smaller opponent than expected, etc.

All different situations can be catered for by changing little things in a technique such as; twisting hips more/less, reaching out further, using different parts of the body to connect, body weight placement, etc.

At the bottom of this post there is a video displaying some of the many different ways a turning kick can be applied in a fighting situation. (Scroll down to watch it.)

On the 25th of February i am putting on a seminar (in London) for any and all people to learn how to adapt and apply taekwondo techniques in order to use them effectively in different situations – which is neccessary for anybody to ‘find their way’ in the martial arts.


Master Luke Robinson

Contact me to attend my seminar: